Graviton-M is the airborne gravimetric system most successful in operations in the world. Only in Brazil, the Graviton-M acquired since 2003 over 500,000 linear km of gravity data for clients in the oil industry, such as ANP, Petra Energy and Aurizônia, and mining, CPRM.
GRAVITON-M has been certificated by Association of EurAsian Geophysical (EAGO).
The gravimetric system consists of two main parts: inertial platform and measurement module. The inertial platform, equipped with gyrostabilizers systems, is responsible for maintaining the axis of sensitivity of gravimetric sensors in the vertical direction before any development of the aircraft, which excludes the influence of horizontal accelerations in its reading. The measuring module consists of three parallel gravimetric sensors installed side-by-side in redundancy scheme. Thus, the acceleration of gravity is obtained as the average of three sensors, reducing the system noise envelope and allowing identification of inconsistencies between sensors.
In the test performed in April 2013, over the Measurement Track of Airborne Gravimeters of Tietê (São Paulo), standard for systems operating in Brazilian territory, the external consistency test achieved an accuracy of 0.5 mGal, and the repeatability test accomplished an resolução of 0.5 mGal (90s filter) on measurements of the Bouguer anomaly. Line spacing of 1,500 m and aircraft (Caravan C208) speed of 280 km/h.
Characteristics of Graviton-M System:
- Systematic coverage of large areas in a short time;
- Low investment over other systems;
- Rigorous quality control;
- Correction of DGPS differential from the market, allowing significantly improve.
Repeatability Test Flight
- Measurement range: 9.60 to 10.00 m/s²
- Dimensions: 210 ø x 10 mm
- Weight: 1.8 kg
Stabilized Platform
- Roll Maximum: +/- 30°
- Pitch Maximum: +/- 30°
- Oscillation Period: 84.4 minutes
Attitude limits:
- Roll ± 56°
- Pitch ± 45°
System Performance
- Dynamic Range: +/- 4,000 mGal
- Recording Rate: 24 Hz
- Drift per 24 hours (corrected): < 0.1 mGal
- Error in gravity anomaly estimation (RMS) up to 5 hours (time of the survey)
- Static error: 0.2 mGal
- Dynamic error 0.3 mGals
- Dynamic Repeatability: 0.50 mGal (90s window)
- Accuracy Survey: 0.50 mGal (90s window)
- Vibration tolerance amplitude between 5 to 50 Hz 0.2 g
- Operating temperature: +5°C a +40°C
- Platform with damping system: ∅ 800 x 800 x 1000 mm
- Operation rack with electronic system: ∅ 600 x 600 x 1200 mm
- Platform with damping system: 120 kg
- Operation rack with electronic system: 70 kg
Power consumption
- Operating and standby: 240W at 27Vdc
- Switching-on and warming-on: 320W at 27Vdc
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